A chain of the financial crisis can surely leave you with a bad credit rating that can prevent you from getting any loan you need. In that scenario, all you need to do is to take some relevant steps to apply for a bad credit car loan with Fast Canada Cash.
Collateral loans are usually secured against your car. However, at Fast Canada Cash we do not take possession of your car. In fact, you get to keep driving your car for the whole entirety of your loan duration. Unlike other types of financial loans, we do not rely heavily on your credit rating for approval, Your credit score is not a determining approval factor but instead, we only use the liens on the vehicle to offer the loan.
We offer quick cash, low-interest rates, and most importantly fast approvals. Since there are no credit checks, anyone can take a Car Equity Loan with us as long as they own a car, a truck, an SUV or a Van which is no more than 10 years old. The benefits are:
1. Borrow up to $100,000 same day.
2. No application fee.
3. You can still use and drive your car during the loan.
4. Easy online application for loan approval
5. Pay as low as $99 per month
6. No prepayment penalties.
7. Loan term is up to 4 years.
Note: Requirement to qualify for a loan includes your Canadian driver’s license, proof of permanent residence and the vehicle’s registration, and insurance.
CALL Fast Canada Cash at # 1-(888)-511-6791 (toll-free) if you are experiencing higher-interest loans!
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