For a person who has a poor credit score, it is quite difficult to get a loan from banks. However, there are several options to get loans like payday title loans or pawn shop loans but at high interest rates. Among various options, a car title loan can be of great assistance in times of financial needs for any person. There are several points that you need to be aware of before you opt for car title loans in Calgary, Alberta.
Any person who has a vehicle with a clear title can apply. You should always verify with us before applying for the loan. Once you contact us either by visiting our website or by calling us, we calculate the amount of loan you could avail and offer you with the best deal.
You can get the loan on the same day that you apply. Once it is approved, you can take the loan money as well as your car back home. You just need to have a vehicle that is registered and insured in your name. Also you must have a valid driver’s license to qualify for the loan. There is no need of any employment checks nor do you need to give any details about your credit score.
If you wish to go for early repayment of loans, you will not have to pay any penalties. But in case you are late in payment or can make only partial payment, then on the outstanding amount, you will be charged interest on a daily basis. But with affordable interest rates and quick customer service, this is the best option for people in need of quick cash.
We provide loans up to $100,000 depending upon the value of your car and with a monthly interest that can be as less as just $99.
We at Fast Canada Cash, also provide various types of car title loans like emergency title loan, bad credit cash loan, car pawn loan and vehicle equity loan. Get in touch with us and take control of your life.