If you are among those people who are not able to get loans in times of urgent financial needs, then you could avail the services of Fast Canada Cash in Toronto to resolve your problems. With Fast Canada Cash, you can get a wide variety of loans like emergency title loan, bad credit cash loan, car pawn loan or a vehicle equity loan to help get over your financial problems. We have been in this industry for the longest time, for over 5 years.
In case you have a car with a full and clear title, then you could use it as a collateral to get a car title loan. You need to have a valid driver’s license. The vehicle that you can use could be either car, truck, van, S.U.V or a motorcycle. It should not be more than 10 years old. However, do verify with us if your car could be used as a collateral as there could be some exceptions applicable. You also need to have the vehicle registered as well as insured in your name.
You will not have to give any employment checks nor do you have to provide any credit history. The amount of loan you can attain, will depend only upon the value of your car. That is calculated based on some essential information about your car. Once you get your loan, you can take your car back home as well.
While there are no penalties for early repayment of your loan, you will be charged interest on a daily basis on the outstanding amount if you are late in payment or only partial payment.
To check if the vehicle is suitable to be taken as a collateral, we take certain steps that are levied as fees. Among them one is auto check, for verifying the origin of the vehicle and that the vehicle has not had any accidents. Another one is to ensure that the vehicle is not associated with any liens and is named Lien Search. The last is Vehicle Inspection/Evaluation and to make sure that all the information provided about the vehicle is true and it can be used to give a car title loan.
You can get upto $100,000 as loan and pay just $99 per month as instalment. We also give a term period as long as 4 years. If you are in Toronto, you can contact us, and we can help you in dealing with your financial woes.