Many people in need of cash often wonder how they can get fast cash without the fuss of applying for short term loans or unsecured loans that carry sky high interest rates. However, there is a better option with collateral fast cash loans. So long as you fully own your car and the car title is lien free, you qualify for the loan. All you need is to hand over the car title to the lender that serves as collateral.
Fast cash in a flash
Unlike unsecured loans or short term loans which may take a few days to a week of waiting for approval, collateral vehicle title loans are approved in one hour. You get your money on the same day. So long as the car passes the inspection and appraisal, the car title has no outstanding liens on it, and the borrower can present a valid driver’s license and proof of permanent residence, then the loan is approved in one hour.
No credit checks required
No credit check title loans are called thus because no credit checks are done for the loan approval. You can borrow up to $100,000.
Keep using the vehicle while paying off the loan
The borrower continues to drive the car while paying off the loan. Only the car title is left with the lender. Also, the borrower need not worry about interest rates because it is the lowest in the lending industry. Payments can be as low as $99 per month with repayment terms reaching up to 4 years.
The above are all you need to get fast emergency cash today, so why wait? Stop worrying about you financial emergencies and take control of your finances right now! Your collateral vehicle title loan cash is out there, just waiting for you to come and get it, so let Fast Canada Cash supply your next car title loan! Go get your fast quick and instant car title loan today by applying now or apply online. You can call Fast Canada Cash toll free at 1-(888) 511-6791.